Tonight I decided to do something a little different. I decided to wake up in the middle of the night armed with my GoPro Hero 4 Silver only to try and capture the Perseids Meteor Shower with the peak of the shower happening over the 11th/12th August 2016.
The Perseids /ˈpərsiːɪdz/ are a prolific meteor shower associated with the comet Swift–Tuttle. The Perseids are so called because the point from which they appear to come, called the radiant, lies in the constellation Perseus. The name derives in part from the word Perseides (Περσείδες), a term found in Greek mythology referring to the sons of Perseus.
I knew for this I would have to try try capturing the shower using the Night Time Lapse capturing every 30 seconds on the GoPro as I knew I would have to leave it running for a number of hours in order for it to take a large enough photos to create a long enough photos. I have chosen to do a Photo Night Time Lapse rather than a video one as this way I will be able to use the photos individually as well as creating the time lapse by stitching them together.
Below I have included a montage photograph with all the different shooting stars I managed to capture out of the 261 photographs. This left me with a 51 second time lapse which I have also included for you to view below.
Happy Star Gazing everyone.
Montage Photo of the Perseids Meteor Shower over Haslemere Surrey UK.