As well as photography travelling is one of my other favourite things I love doing. I always enjoy visiting new countries and exploring new cultures along with it.
Italy is one of my favourite European countries to visit. This could be because my Mother was born in Sicily before she moved to Wales when she was young. The real reason is the culture, the food, the history and everything else Italian. When I was younger my family and I used to go to and spend part of our holidays in Italy. One area of Italy in particular I remember as we spent most of our holidays there was Tuscany, famous for his beautiful country side, wine and towns most notably Florence, Pisa, Siena and San Gimignano.
To mark our 1st Wedding Anniversary my wife Janette and I decided we wanted to visit another part of Italy having visited both Venice & Rome as part of our Honeymoon. We both decided that although I had been before that we both really wanted to visit Tuscany this time. As we were only going to be able to go away for a week we decided we would visit 3 main areas of Tuscany being Florence, Pisa and 5 small seaside towns on called the Cinque Terra which would only be able to visit by walking.
I have learned my lesson when it comes to both photography and travelling. On our honeymoon I decided to take my rather big and heavy Nikon D4. It proved to be rather heavy and I ended up not using half the lenses which I took with me. I decided at the beginning of the summer to invest in a smaller more compact camera. I ended up going for a Canon G15 (yes I know Im a Nikon user). This proved perfect for taking away on the trip as it has a single zoom lens of the 35mm equivalent of 24-200mm enabling me to take a wide range of shots with it.
Below I have included a selection of some of my favourite images during my trip. These were all taken with the Canon G15 with very basic editing done afterwards.