Chosen Front Cover of Life In Haslemere Magazine
Image Copyright Gareth Davies/StudioGD Photography
After seeing my twitter page @studiogdphoto, I got contacted by my local magazine Life In Haslemere to see if I wanted to take some photographs for the front cover of their Valentines issue to come out in February.
Meeting with Henry Ascoli from the magazine we discussed some ideas for what they wanted and decided that we would find a couple and get some photographs of them taken around the Haslemere area.
I knew both Sarah and Gareth and when I asked them about being in the photographs they both agreed without any question. There are so many different locations we could choose around Haslemere, the Devils Punchbowl being the most popular location. Instead I chose to take the photographs at Blackdown the other side of Haslemere.
I was going to treat the shoot just like I would with an engagement shoot and get some shots of both Sarah and Gareth together. Ultimately it would come down to Henry and his team to decide which image they wanted to use for the front cover of the magazine though.