
Autumn Fashion Shoot

Photos from an Autumn Fashion Shoot with Stef Keogh in Arundel West Sussex.

Enchanted Photo Shoot

I always enjoying working as part of a larger team on a photo shoot. There's something about a group of creatives working together to create some great images at the end, knowing that the day has been a huge success.

When I came across Millinery Jayne Elizabeth Millinery and her fabulous range of different hats I knew I had to contact her to see if we could work together on a shoot. After talking and working out ideas for a shoot we both combined our thoughts and decided we wanted to create some sort of Dark Fashion Fairy Tale inspired photo shoot, as Jayne is a big fan of the work seen in Dark Beauty Magazine. 

Now we had an idea for shoot the next steps were to source outfits and model for the shoot.

This proved to be easier than we had thought. We have both worked with a number of different models before and when we saw that Chloe Burton, who Jayne had worked with previously on a shoot was not too far away from myself we decided to make contact with Chloe who was instantly interested in the ideas we had for the shoot.

Next up were outfits, which we decided we would choose 3 to create 3 different looks to the photographs. Fortunately for me I have a Bridal shop below me called The Bridal Boutique Haslemere, who for some time I have spoken to the owner Sarah Allam about using some of her dresses for some photo shoots which she was ok about doing. We didn't want to use a wedding dress but instead decided to use one of Sarah's bridesmaids dresses. We chose a lovely purple dress as one of the hats we knew we wanted to use of Jaynes was a lovely purple flower one. For the rest of the outfits Chloe used her own dresses. We chose a red big dress and all black styled one. 

For Hair and Make Up we needed it to be dark colours, blacks, purples, dark blue. I found a local Make Up Artist (MUA) Viktoria Kohl who was able to help us even at short notice. For the hair we didn't want to do too much to it as the focus would be on the make up itself.

Location wise we wanted to shoot this outside so headed off to Frensham Little Pond which had lovely purple heather out, which would fit nicely with the purple theme we wanted to create along with plenty of woodland for creating a fairy tale feel to the images.

From there we managed to capture some great images showing 3 different styles of Dark Fashion. Overall we were really pleased with the photos and how they came out. Below are just a small selection of the 3 different styles we shot.

Model: Chloe Burton
Millinery: Jayne Elizabeth Millinery
Purple Dress: The Bridal Boutique Haslemere
MUA & Hair: Viktoria Kohl MUA
Photography: Studio GD Photography


Life In Haslemere Magazine

Chosen Front Cover of Life In Haslemere Magazine
Image Copyright Gareth Davies/StudioGD Photography

After seeing my twitter page @studiogdphoto, I got contacted by my local magazine Life In Haslemere to see if I wanted to take some photographs for the front cover of their Valentines issue to come out in February.

Meeting with Henry Ascoli from the magazine we discussed some ideas for what they wanted and decided that we would find a couple and get some photographs of them taken around the Haslemere area.

I knew both Sarah and Gareth and when I asked them about being in the photographs they both agreed without any question. There are so many different locations we could choose around Haslemere, the Devils Punchbowl being the most popular location. Instead I chose to take the photographs at Blackdown the other side of Haslemere.

I was going to treat the shoot just like I would with an engagement shoot and get some shots of both Sarah and Gareth together. Ultimately it would come down to Henry and his team to decide which image they wanted to use for the front cover of the magazine though.

60's Mods Photo Shoot

A fun day out in old Portsmouth with the Portsmouth 60's Mods and Scooters club. Thank you so much for everyone who turned out to watch.

Model: Hannah Cave (Hughes Models)
Make Up & Hair: Miriam King Make Up Artist
Photography: Gareth Davies / Studio GD Photography